Vienna International Airport расположен в Австрии в 18 км от Вены. На сегодняшний день Швехад является одним из наиболее значимых и загруженных аэропортов Австрии. Свою историю он начал в 1938 году.
Первая взлетно-посадочная полоса была увеличена до 3000 м в 1959 г. Через год началось строительство нового здания аэровокзала, а в 1972 г. была построена вторая ВПП. Пассажирами Vienna International Airport являлись многочисленные команды, которые дважды слетались на Олимпиаду в Австрию.
В настоящее время в аэрокомплексе имеется два действующих терминала и строится третий. Количество пассажиров, посетивших аэропорт Швехад в 2014 году, приблизилось к цифре 22 483 158 человек.
Базовыми компаниями в аэропорту Вена Швехад являются:
Традиционные венские кафе и рестораны рады предложить свои услуги пассажирам аэропорта Вена Швехад. На данный момент 38 заведений общественного питания работают в зоне аэровокзала. Для курящих пассажиров работают табачные автоматы. В многочисленных магазинах можно приобрести продукты, алкоголь, одежду, аксессуары, сувениры и многое другое. Три банка для удобства клиентов открыли свои представительства на площади терминалов. Потерянные или найденные вещи стоит искать в бюро находок.
Комфортабельные комнаты отдыха предлагают шведский стол, большой выбор газет и журналов, бесплатную зону покрытия Wi-Fi. В зале работают релаксационные и массажные кресла. Медицинский центр в аэропорту Вены работает круглосуточно. Кроме неотложных случаев, врачи центра делают по желанию пассажиров прививки против малярии, бешенства, брюшного тифа и других не менее опасных болезней.
Добраться до города Вена из Vienna International Airport можно с помощью следующего транспорта:
Ближайшими городами к аэропорту Швехад являются:
I want to tell you about the terrible incident that happened to me and my little baby at Vienna airport. I also demand that the airport staff be held accountable and punished. I'll tell you right away that I'm pregnant and my two kids are still in a state of stress with me, and I'm working with a psychologist. My pregnancy is in danger, and my baby is in a state of early birth.
On July 30, at 10:45, I had a flight 065 Vienna-Chicago Austrian Airlines. Before I left, I read the airline rules, which said that the COVID-19 test was for all passengers since I was 12. I was passed a negative test. My baby's two years of flight for nine months. At the clinic where I was taking the COVID-19 test, I was told that children under 3 years of age don't get a PCR test. When I passed passport control at Vienna airport, a female employee (unfortunately I did not write their names) carefully, with addiction to examine my papers, and then she asked for a COVID-19 test, I gave my test. The second airport employee asked how many years my child was my answer was 2.9. They asked for a test for my baby, which I said I didn't have one and kids under 3 years of age don't do a PCR test. Then I got a voice raised in an aggressive form that they're not interested in Russian laws and they need a test for my baby. Two women were yelling at me so I could only assume that attitude in the most violent, violent movies. They refused to let me and my baby on the plane and demanded that we leave the airport. I asked where in that case I could take the test at the airport, angry, aggressive airport worker said that only in town and then yelling at me demanded that the baby and I leave the airport slowly. The airport worker was pushing the baby's stroller and screaming to get out of here. The baby started crying, and I could say I couldn't go anywhere. There were threats to call the police, but it's strange that someone didn't come. I asked for a Russian translator, a third employee spoke Russian, but she completely ignored my request to help me. In total impotence and despair, in a stuffy room feeling that I could already pass out, I gathered all my powers, I asked for the leadership. From the beginning, I was asked by no one to pay attention and only the fifth time I was heard. I started explaining the ridiculous situation to manage again. She finally decided to help us, and we finally left. The whole incident of inadequate staff members was observed by thousands of witnesses and, of course, the surveillance camera ( if they have not yet been erased). I repeat, I demand a thorough investigation of my situation and the punishment of the airport workers. This attitude, to use your position, to commit moral violence against a pregnant woman with a child is not acceptable.